Amir Sabzi

University of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC, Canada.


I am a research staff member at Computer Science Department of the University of British Columbia in Systopia Lab. I have recently graduated from UBC with an M.Sc. in Computer Science, where I was advised by Prof. Aastha Mehta and Prof. Mathias Lécuyer. Before, joining UBC, I was a research intern (remote) at University of Vienna working with Prof. Stefan Schmid.

I am broadly interested in Security and Privacy of Computer Systems. My research focuses on designing practical systems that are firmly rooted in solid theoretical foundations. In particular, I am interested in differential privacy, network side-channels, and private machine-learning.

You can find my CV here.


  1. USENIX Security
    NetShaper: A Differentially Private Network Side-Channel Mitigation System
    Amir Sabzi, Rut Vora, Swati Goswami, Margo Seltzer, Mathias Lécuyer, and Aastha Mehta
  2. ANCS
    Macchiato: Importing Cache Side Channels to SDNs
    Amir Sabzi, Liron Schiff, Kashyap Thimmaraju, Andreas Blenk, and Stefan Schmid